Resilia Announces Q1 Nonprofit Microgrant Award Winners
Resilia Announces Q1 Nonprofit Microgrant Award Winners
We are thrilled to announce the Resilia Nonprofit Microgrant Program winners for the first quarter application period ending on March 17th, 2023. After a committee review of all applications, the following five organizations were selected to receive a $1,000 unrestricted grant:
The Brown Egg, Inc.
The Brown Egg was created to disrupt and illuminate the inequity in maternal mortality and morbidity rates for Black women. The Brown Egg, Inc. carries out its mission through action, awareness, and advocacy. The Resilia microgrant will go towards stocking a period pantry and diaper bank and building the organization's infrastructure.
"Our goals this year are to serve 500 women and families through our diaper bank, provide over 1000 period pouches to partner schools, and host at least three events to educate, empower and inspire Black women about maternal resources, nutrition, and health and wellness options." said Ashley Alridge, Founder and Executive Director of The Brown Egg, Inc.
S.P.E.A.K. OUT LOUD's mission is to empower underserved and at-risk youth to live a greater quality of life through the arts, technology, education, resources, and advocacy.
The organization impacts its community through three core programs designed to support healing and give youth the space and resources to develop valuable skills, transform trauma into empowerment, and experience a greater quality of life.
"These funds will be utilized to expand our program and outreach efforts in Los Angeles County. This includes paying for our current trauma-informed curriculum, which involves trauma-informed training,” said Michelle Daniels-Holloway, Founder and Executive Director of S.P.E.A.K. OUT LOUD. "This funding will also be used for some of our operating costs, which goes a long way for early-stage N.P.O.s. We are so grateful to expand our reach to positively impact the lives of youth who need it!"
Shining Star Children’s Advocacy Center
Shining Star Children's Advocacy Center's mission is to transform victims of child sexual abuse, child physical abuse, and child witnesses of violent crimes into survivors. Shining Star C.A.C. provides a multidisciplinary approach to allegations of abuse against children by offering a child-friendly environment for victims of abuse to tell their story in a non-traumatic manner to aid in investigating crimes against children.
"The Resila microgrant will allow us to connect to our community in an enhanced manner and increase our ability to educate the community on ways they can help prevent child abuse," said Jessica Cash, LPC, Executive Director at Shining Star Children's Advocacy Center.
City of Refuge
City of Refuge's mission is to help refugees recover and regain control of their lives by assisting them to become productive, successful, and contributing members of the community.
City of Refuge mobilizes over 150 volunteers annually to welcome valued refugee neighbors to our community and to help them navigate a new way of life. Our goal is to equip those who arrive in our community with the material resources they need and the relationships they can count on as they make Columbia, Missouri, their new home.
"With this microgrant, City of Refuge can expand our Global Artisan program by providing more diverse, instructional artisan classes and the necessary supplies to our refugee community," said Kellye Dubinski, Donation Coordinator/Merchandising Manager at City of Refuge.
Atlantic Climate Justice Alliance (A.C.J.A.)
The Atlantic Climate Justice Alliance (A.C.J.A.) is a non-governmental collective of rural and urban community-based organizations focused on education and advocacy of underrepresented communities, race and ethnicity, economic development, and poverty alleviation — all with the broader aim of addressing climate change.
One of our biggest goals this year is to continue providing bi-lingual materials in English and Spanish to all events serving the Spanish-speaking community. Another primary goal for 2023 is to give A.C.J.A. Advocacy Training to teachers who will be able to understand better how they can also change the way education is used.
"This grant will expand A.C.J.A.'s efforts by providing funds for an accountant so that we may have our Financial Reports up-to-date – an essential need for us as we build capacity," said Dr. Elsie Aquino-Gonzalez, Board President of A.C.J.A.
We congratulate all five of our microgrant award recipients on their fantastic work! Through their efforts, they are making a real difference in their local communities—and we are proud to support them with funding through our microgrant awards program.
Resilia is currently accepting applications for its Q2 2023 unrestricted microgrants. If you want to apply, visit the Resilia Nonprofit Microgrant Program information page. (Past applications will be automatically considered for the next cycle.)
In addition, we encourage nonprofits at every stage in their development to sign up for the Resilia Nonprofit Platform, which provides access to training, resources, templates, and tools to help their organizations raise funds, manage operations, and improve their capacity to serve their communities.
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