Sports Philanthropy: Athletes’ Impact Beyond the Arena
Sports Philanthropy: Athletes’ Impact Beyond the Arena
Why do athletes spend so much time and money on charitable endeavors? Some critics say they do it for a tax write-off or to generate positive publicity. While it’s possible a few people fit that description, the vast majority of professional athletes demonstrate a true commitment to improving their communities.
“Looking at philanthropy in sports, and other professions, one may start out in one's career being motivated by external factors such as money or honours. But after a period of time it is unlikely that people are motivated so much by external rewards, and more by internal drives,” says Jen Shang, the world’s only philanthropic psychologist and co-founder and co-director of the Institute for Sustainable Philanthropy. “When they become involved in philanthropy, they then find the same sense of reward that they experienced when they started their careers."

Most professional athletes are known to not shy away from a challenge and to push themselves beyond the barriers of any opposition. Tackling change in their communities is no different! Bringing the same tenacity, boldness and influence to philanthropy is what sets an athletes’ impact apart.
Despite negative stereotypes, many have humbly dedicated themselves to a mission and vision greater than their talents for the sake of supporting those who need it most. Here are three stories of professional athletes who are creating honest impact beyond the arena:
1. Jrue Holiday, Guard – New Orleans Pelicans
Last week, New Orleans Pelicans guard Jrue Holiday and his wife, Lauren, made a major announcement. They have dedicated the remainder of Holiday’s salary for this season, amounting up to $5 million, to support Black-owned businesses across 10 U.S. cities, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, as well as nonprofit organizations and programs in the couples’ hometowns—New Orleans, Los Angeles, and Indianapolis. Resilia has had the honor of working with the Holidays to help operate their new fund and track its impact. Learn more about their fund here.
In a recent interview with ESPN, Holiday told Andrew Lopez, “My wife said, 'I think you should do this and you should do the rest of your salary...' God has blessed us with so much. We know a couple of things that are important are time and money, and right now, we have both. To be able to give away our money to help further this movement and Black-owned businesses that have taken a hit in COVID-19, to us, it felt like the perfect time and opportunity.”
2. Russell Westbrook, Guard – Houston Rockets
Russell Westbrook has long been known as one of the most talented players in the NBA. But he’s also one of the most charitable. Westbrook started his Why Not? Foundation in 2012 with a focus on providing encouragement to children facing adversity or hardship of any kind.
Through his foundation, Westbrook —a recipient of the Seasonlong NBA Cares Community Assist Award for his strong commitment to positively impacting his community— has worked to help train at-risk young adults for future careers, provided cash assistance to families in need due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and more.
3. LeBron James, King – Los Angeles Lakers
LeBron James is legendary on and off the court. Considered by many to be the best basketball player of all time, James is also well-known for his unrivaled commitment to supporting his community.
James has donated millions to charities and foundations in his home state of Ohio and across the country. In 2018, James opened the I Promise public school in Akron, which is aimed at providing a new model of learning for at-risk students.
There are countless other examples of professional athletes from various sports who truly care about their communities. By giving considerable amounts of their time, money, and influence, sports stars are some of the most impactful people in our country. At Resilia, we are thankful for athletes who have committed to boldly making a difference beyond the arena, especially in times when our society needs it most, and we will continue to power their missions as they lead the way.
Photo cred: Nola.com / The Times-Picayune
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