Nonprofit Spotlight: Mission Reconcile
Nonprofit Spotlight: Mission Reconcile

Mission Reconcile is a faith-focused organization that is committed to racial reconciliation. Their ultimate goal is to create a sustained conversation about race that will not only raise awareness about racial reconciliation but also reach those in a position to create change in the community.Mission Reconcile sees the Christian faith as their main tool for dismantling racism and social divides by demonstrating that people of faith are reconcilers in a divided world. The events facilitated by Mission Reconcile attempt to form organic friendships among predominantly one-race, one culture churches.Originally formed in Washington D.C., Founder Kahlida Lloyd saw a need for Mission Reconcile’s resolve in New Orleans. Relocating to New Orleans in September 2017 allowed Kahlida to connect with ExemptMeNow, which ensured the organization's incorporation in October. Mission Reconcile continued to move forward with ExemptMeNow by applying for the 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status in December.
"ExemptMeNow was extremely helpful in getting it done and ensuring that it was done correctly. I am very grateful for ExemptMeNow and its service, and providing it seamlessly." - Founder Kahlida Lloyd
ExemptMeNow spearheaded the incorporation and tax exemption of Mission Reconcile, which allowed Kahlida to focus on her profession as an Attorney and her calling to use her faith as the solution to racial issues.In 2018 Mission Reconcile hit the ground running by traveling to Richmond, VA in January to participate in a faith-based organizing workshop.In April, Kahlida spoke about Mission Reconcile at the “Q Commons” conference in Nashville, TN. The conference gathers local communities to learn from a diverse group of leaders, discuss key cultural issues, and take steps toward advancing good in their local context. Her topic, “The privilege of being a Christian”, was heartfelt and well-received by the crowd that hung on every word.In the same month, Mission Reconcile hosted a “Unity Prayer Action Breakfast” in New Orleans to discuss their mission and vision, and to pray for racial recognition. Members of clergy along with 18 attendees prayed and talked about racial reconciliation. Hosting events and bringing together those who actively want to push for change is only one tactic that raises awareness of this organization’s cause.Magazine features, radio interviews, and more speaking opportunities are all avenues familiar to Mission Reconcile for reaching prospects who not only want to become a part of the conversation, but also connect with their own purpose within the Christian faith.Social divide in America, more specifically racism, can be such an incendiary topic. An important part of Mission Reconcile’s “I am a Reconciler” t-shirt campaign is spreading a positive message in a non-confrontational way. Supporters receive a t-shirt in return for their $25 donation. Then, “Feature Friday” on social media highlights the advocates in their shirt and spreads awareness about racial reconciliation and its importance to people in the Christian community. The goal is to use the donations to fund two “Path to Reconciliation” events by the end of 2018.Going forward, the group will continue to establish relationships with pastors and continue spreading the word about all the good things Mission Reconcile is doing. The organization’s founder hopes that Mission Reconcile will be able to travel to other cities across the country in 2019. As the organization grows, and more people become conscious of racial reconciliation, Mission Reconcile will commence programming to reach people from all walks of life. The conversation will continue at local churches where pastors, community leaders, and advocates continue to talk about racial issues that affect their community.Mission Reconcile turned a difficult and divisive issue into an opportunity. Through a network of churches and community friendships, Mission Reconcile continues to approach racism differently by pushing the conversation about race, racism, how it affects churches and communities.You can learn more about Mission Reconcile and their initiatives on their website
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