Where are Charitable Contributions Going?
Where are Charitable Contributions Going?

The leading recipient of charitable donations is churches. However, the contributions spread out widely across all different types of nonprofits. Learn more about where your charitable donations are going. When talking about where charitable contributions are going and to whom charitable contributions are going, you will see that religious organizations are the predominant places. It's not the majority, but churches, synagogues, mosques are generating dollars through the charitable contributions. Let’s discover where the charitable contribution has gone as a result of the tax act.
Even if we see the tax act hit, churches are still not going to see the hit because people continue to contribute to their church regardless of the tax benefits. Most are not focused on the tax benefits when they give to their church. The focus is on their church, and their religion.
If you're in the education field, you should absolutely be seeking out charitable contributions. You're going to generate some money through fees for services, through tuition, but you're also going to need to be out there beating the pavement seeking charitable contributions. If you're not beating the pavement and spending some time in that, you're going to have a problem.
Human Services
Human services includes organizations that feed the hungry, provide homeless shelters...people that are making lives easier. There are many of these groups all around the world. They do incredible work and are incredibly important to the fabric of society. They are seeking out charitable contributions, as well. Some amount of that is considered a gift to foundations. Unfortunately, this probably only helps you up to an extent because those gifts are granted directly to large foundations, which aren't necessarily coming directly to your nonprofit. But, that means you need to be on the call to those foundations for those grants you have complied by filing your Form 1023 and filing your annual 990.
Public and Social Benefit
Arts, culture, and humanities are a similar cause. Obviously, charitable contributions are a really important part for the arts culture and humanities. Whether they are a local nonprofit or a global organization, they depend on charitable contributions.
Environmental and International Affairs
Finally, we ask where environmental, international affairs’ charitable contributions are going. These nonprofits tell the same story as the public and social benefits. However, it's an interesting picture when thinking about where you should be expecting to generate your dollars. These examples go to show to you that they, for the most part, are coming solely from charitable contributions. You need to be thinking about these for service. You need to be thinking about government revenue.Hopefully this helped clear up some of your questions about where are charitable contributions going…
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