The Resilia Blog

Turning to Grants for Funding
In an earlier post, we shared how nonprofits can find funding through loans from the federal government. However, there is another avenue that many nonprofits will find helpful: applying for grants. For nonprofits working to help their community handle COVID-19, a number of grants are available. Here’s a list of resources to help you generate potential leads.

Issues With Accessing PPP? Four Ways to Better Navigate Round 2
As of April 27, Congress has approved a new bill that replenishes PPP with an additional $310 billion and resumed accepting loan applications, in hopes to keep workers employed during this economic downturn. If your organization was not able to secure PPP funding during the first bill, here are four ways to better navigate Round 2.

Finding Support in Your State
Given the increasing reliance on nonprofits in the current struggle against COVID-19 pandemic, it is imperative to stay abreast of changing conditions, as well as utilize progressive tools and resources. While things are moving fast, a great way to protect your nonprofit and community is to implement best practices, such as finding support in your state.

Resources to Help Nonprofits Manage the COVID-19 Crisis
The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of change and uncertainty. In an effort to help where we can, we’ve compiled a list of team and financial resources to help your organization make it through this difficult time below.