The Resilia Blog

Arnold Ventures strengthens grassroots organizations and social impact through new partnership with Resilia
New Orleans, LA. - Resilia, a social enterprise with offices in New Orleans and New York City, and Arnold Ventures, a philanthropic organization with offices in Houston, New York City, and Washington, D.C., have come together to strengthen the capacity of its nonprofit partners.
Arnold Ventures (AV) is a nonpartisan organization that maximizes opportunity and minimizes injustice through social welfare, public service, political advocacy, and social impact activities. From criminal justice and democracy reform to actions that support health care reform, AV is dedicated to transformative social change through advocacy and policy.
Through this partnership, invited nonprofit partners will be able to access Resilia’s multi-faceted capacity building program as they work towards organizational sustainability. The Resilia program helps change makers build mission-facing and back-office capacity while helping elevate stories to drive advocacy and fundraising efforts. This is enabled through a combination of an online platform, unlimited 1:1 nonprofit coaching and peer-to-peer learning models, thereby enabling multiple entry points into capacity building and meeting nonprofits where they are.